And the journey begins…

I’m super excited about starting this blog. It’s been a long time coming just because I sat around too long dreaming and chasing my tail instead of buckling down and getting it done. Here’s my story.

I’ve been wanting to make money online for sometime now but I haven’t had much success. I bought up all the ebooks and courses I could afford and started filling my head with all the information I could get my hands on. Everything from SEO, mini-sites, autoblogging, affiliate marketing, and the list goes on and on. Every ebook claimed to be the be-all-end-all of ebooks. They all claimed that their aspect of internet marketing was THE MOST IMPORTANT part of making money online and if you messed up you were DONE!!! No pressure,right?

I sold on ebay and made some spare money selling my stuff online but it wasn’t what I was looking for. Then I tried autoblogging and I will say I learned quite a bit but money wise I made a whopping $1.25 from Amazon 🙁

I learned a lot but didn’t get very far. I wouldn’t take any action because I felt like I still didn’t know what I was doing. I was suffering from severe information overload.
Then one morning I woke up and I was forty, married with children, debt up the you know what, and still working at a job that just wasn’t making me happy. So much stress that I couldn’t even remember the last time I slept through the night. I never had time to do the things I wanted to and I realized that even though I had done a lot in my life I wasn’t where I wanted to be and just felt like I was missing out on so much.

Then I was really blessed to come across a product from Alex Jeffreys. It had a lot of content but initially I felt like it wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen before.Then it really hit me. He was simplifying everything I had learned over the years into a simple plan I could easily follow. For the first time in years I really felt like I could do this. I felt inspired instead of overloaded. I bought up a few more of his products and it was all good stuff. Simple plans and processes that gave me the confidence to start building an online business instead of chasing the shiny keys to easy online money. You know the ones, throw up a site and press a button and millions of dollars come rolling into your paypal account.

I really connected with this guy and felt like I needed to join his coaching program. I joined, even though I didn’t have the money available. I just had to join and work with this guy. I’ve been in the program for a couple of months and have learned so much but I noticed I hadn’t done anything with it. I was in the same rut as before. Gaining information but nervous about taking that leap of faith. You see, I knew that if I couldn’t make money working with Alex it wasn’t going to happen ever.

So I decided to get off my butt and get to work building a business. I’ve got the basic road map, now it’s time to start driving. No more shiny keys to chase just some steady work at building a business. I’m a bit scared to be honest but totally excited. Scared because deep inside I know that building an online business is really my only chance to live the life that I want. To finally get out of the rat race and just love what I’m doing again by helping people. So I’m creating this blog to document my journey. Let me know what you think and keep on checking in to see how everything is going.

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